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Moringa is the only food or dietary supplement that has been shown in well-designed studies to increase milk production. I recommend Kuli Kuli moringa to my clients for their quality standards, ethical business practices, reasonable prices, and for making moringa easy and delicious to consume.
Dr. Catherine Berger
MD, IBCLC, Board Certified Pediatrician
and Lactation Consultant
As a natural products scientist, and a mom myself, research has validated many of the traditional uses of moringa by nursing mothers. While more studies are warranted on specific health outcomes, moringa certainly has great nutritional value and promising health benefits for supporting women, moms, and children.
Dr. Carrie Waterman
PHD and
Kuli Kuli Scientific Advisor
After experiencing fatigue in my third trimester of pregnancy, I turned to moringa. Moringa lattes completely cured my third trimester fatigue. I continue to enjoy moringa as part of my successful breastfeeding routine. It also helps me function after sleepless nights!
Kirsten Haigh
Lawyer and
Mother to Sutton
Moringa is a lactation enhancer. Whether pumping milk or nursing, moringa can increase the amount of milk produced.
When mothers consume moringa, the nutrients help both the mother and the newborn.
Moringa is also rich in minerals zinc and copper, which support the body’s functions and fuel vital organs.
Moringa increases maternal vitamin A intake, thus increasing the vitamin A content of breast milk.
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* We recommend consulting with your physician before using moringa, particularly in the earlier stages of pregnancy.